Seeing the Road Ahead: Protecting, Repairing and Replacing Windscreens

Is Your Pump System Operating Efficiently?

Optimising the operation of your pump system requires careful planning in order to minimise waste, reduce energy consumption and lower maintenance expenses. The efficiency and life expectancy of your pumps can be greatly extended—and costly pump repairs avoided—when you introduce systematic checking and preventative maintenance routines.

Because of the heavy workload and inconsistency of materials that large industrial pumps need to handle, it is only natural that they are likely to become flawed and cease to run at full potential. Follow these tips to have your pump system operating at its best and save your company time and money. These checks should be carried out every six to twelve months.

Test Air Pressure

The smooth operation of the system relies on the pressure tank to reduce cycling, which is the persistent build up and drop in pressure. This causes the motors to rapidly turn on and off and is extremely harmful to the pump in addition to using more electricity. The air pressure needs to be constantly maintained at the correct level for the particular system without excessive fluctuations.

Check Valve Operation

  • The one-way or non-return valves are usually the highest wearing component in a pumping system and have a large influence on its efficient operation. Check regularly for wear and leaks.

  • The isolation valves should also be checked to see if they are fully opened and clear of obstructions.

Confirm Airflow and Avoid Overheating

The pumping system can be significantly damaged by overheating.

  • Look at how the cooling fan in the control panel is operating. It is essential that this is working effectively to prevent overheating, which is a serious threat to the system.

  • Check the filters in the control panel vents for uninterrupted airflow. This simple procedure is often overlooked, but is vital to avoid overheating the control panel.

Test External Components

Examine all the cable connections in the switchboard. They are subject to numerous hazards including vibrations, oxidation and pest infestations that all contribute to eventual deterioration.

Appraise all hydraulic lines and clear to pressure switches and transducers.

Check the filters or strainers to remove potential blockages. Even self-cleaning models require occasional manual cleaning.

Review all the system set points and parameters to see that it still meets your site requirements and stays within the performance limits of the pumps.

Inspect Individual Pumps

Each pump in the system needs regular, thorough scrutiny for signs of general wear and reduced performance. Start by testing the current draw and shut off head.

  • Particularly note any noisy bearings or leaking mechanical seals. Bearings can be re-greased if necessary.

  • Check that the hydraulic performance is uniform for each pump in the system.

As maintenance plays a vital role in efficient operations, and is such a major task, many companies elect to pass the responsibility over to a professional maintenance and pump repair specialist.

Consider Expert Assistance

Often it is more economical to use a professional service rather than existing personnel. Unfortunately your staff may not have the necessary time or the level of skill required to detect and prevent trouble and avoid a potential pump shutdown. Pump repair specialists can save your company considerable costs by improving your current system's efficiency and making improvements to older pumps. They will evaluate pump components for repairs and refurbishment. This circumvents the necessity of buying new equipment.

The latest procedures allow repairers the ability to use advanced technologies including non-destructive testing to examine and evaluate equipment. This means that there is no need to disassemble systems for testing. For example, fault finding in welds, leakages and material fatigue can be done using non-invasive radiography, ultrasonic and x-ray techniques. They will devise a plan to maintain your system and remove the additional stress and accountability from your shoulders.

Reducing cost is a vital element in running a successful company. Keeping your pumping system up and running efficiently will go a long way toward assisting the all important bottom line.
