Seeing the Road Ahead: Protecting, Repairing and Replacing Windscreens

Think Rigidized: Stainless Steel In Building Construction

The use of rigidized stainless steel panels and/or sheets has become increasingly popular over the years. Stainless steel is rigidized to improve the final texture of sheets and panels used in building applications. The enhanced texture is beneficial in a number of ways.

For example, handrails made of rigidized steel provide a better grip than those made of the non-rigidized metal. Discussed below are aspects associated with the use of rigidized stainless steel for those looking to commence a new building project.


In addition to greater traction, the use of rigidized stainless steel is beneficial in a number of other ways.  For one, rigidized steel panels provide the advantage of greater reflectivity as compared to smooth-textured panels. This is because the rigidized surface creates unique patterns on the surface of a steel panel, which allow for greater control in terms of light reflection. These patterns can be manipulated to reflect and dissipate light in the desired manner. For this reason, rigidized stainless steel panels/sheets are ideal for use in building applications where controlled lighting is required.

Structural Strength And Durability

Rigidized steel panels are more likely to outlast their traditional counterparts because the enhanced texture of rigidized steel increases the structural strength of panels/sheets. This gives the steel panels/sheets greater resistance to physical damage in the form of dents, breakage, and even scratching. Improved durability means that the steel panels will not need frequent replacement, which makes them a cost-effective building material in the long run.

The increased structural strength of rigidized steel makes panels/sheets suitable for outdoor use where there's an ever-present threat of vandalism.


Rigidized stainless steel is also preferred for building-related applications due to the lightweight nature of this building material as compared to that of ordinary steel.

Because rigidized steel panels have a greater structural strength, thinner panels can be fabricated without compromising the structural integrity of the panel or its weight-bearing capacity. Consequently, the fabrication of rigidized steel panels uses less of the raw material. This helps to reduce ongoing demand for the metal raw material, which is good for the environment.

The advantage of settling for lighter steel panels/sheets is that the person paying for the building project will have a less cumbersome time when transporting rigidized steel panels/sheets to the construction site.

Rigidized stainless steel can be used in a number of building applications. Be sure to run the idea by the project architect and/or the general contractor before the commencement of any construction-related activities.
