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3 Plasma Cutting Supplies You Need for Steelwork

If you are planning on going into steelwork, one option may be to focus on plasma cutting. This type of cutting uses a hot jet of plasma to cut through steel and other metals. Before you get started in this type of steelwork, there are some plasma cutting supplies you will want to have on hand. This short list assumes that you already have a plasma cutting machine and safety gear.

Additional Tips

Make sure that you have additional plasma cutting tips on hand. You will want to have several types of tips on hand to handle any job you come across. You will also want to have additional tips on hand in case something happens to your primary cutting tip. Keep in mind that you will need to avoid universal tips. The reason for this is that some universal tips may fit your specific make and model of plasma cutter, but they will likely not work as well as a tip designed for just your plasma cutter.

Hand Held Plasma Cutter

When you first purchase your main plasma cutting system, you will likely purchase one suitable for working in a factory or warehouse. In order to handle more jobs, you may want to order a hand held plasma cutter. These cutters are more portable and allow you to get into  tighter spaces if necessary. They are also ideal if you plan on doing any steelwork that is residential where a much larger plasma cutter unit may not be suitable.

Additional Hoses

One of the pieces of your plasma cutting equipment that can go bad quickly is the hose. If you do a lot of steelwork and work long hours, then you may want to keep several hoses in your supply chest. These hoses should be suitable for both the plasma cutting device you use and the hose lead to the torch itself. Keep in mind, you will need to keep the replacement hoses in a safe dry place to reduce the chances of breakdown or the hose becoming damaged in storage overtime.

These are only three of the items you should have on hand. Depending on the type of contracts and clients you will be taking on, you may find that increasing the amount of supplies you have is an ideal option. When you get ready to increase the supplies you have on hand for your steelwork, contact your local plasma cutting dealer.
