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Welding Services: Welding Mistakes You Should Never Make

Welding is an integral part of many industrial operations, especially if you deal with metal pipe designing. If you wish to achieve the perfect weld, it is vital to follow the set-out procedures. Failure to follow these steps could lead to costly welding and fabrication errors. The best way to evade these mistakes is by working with expert welding services. 

Even so, understanding the mistakes and challenges you are likely to face might enable you to take the necessary preventative measures. That way, you will avoid wastage and enhance the efficiency of the process. Here are the errors experienced welders can help you avoid.

Setting Up the Machine Incorrectly

The welding machine needs to be set up correctly to ensure the best welding performance. Otherwise, improper machine set-up can cause many problems, such as incomplete fusion. When that happens, you'll then be forced to start the welding process all over again, which increases your production costs. 

The best way to avoid machine setup errors is by using a guide indicating the ideal wire fire speed and voltage to use for particular welding applications. The other option is to invest in advanced technology that manages this process. If none of that is feasible, hire a trained welding expert for the job. 

Cutting the Pieces Sloppily

It is vital to make perfect cuts to ensure all pieces connect without leaving gaps. However, that can be difficult without the right welding skills, as some materials are prone to distortion. When most people make sloppy cuts, they try to find quick remedies such as adding heat to the distortion or reducing the corrosion-resistant qualities of the metal. However, these quick remedies can easily lead to advanced issues.

Specialised welding services use dedicated orbital pipe cutters to ensure precise cuts. That, in turn, provides perfect fit-ups and reduces the amount of heat and filler used on the parts. 

Using the Wrong Pressure or Gas Flow

Turning up the gas too high or using extra-long gas lines can significantly reduce the weld quality. In most cases, improper conditioning can prompt you to set a higher gas pressure than necessary. For instance, you might be forced to turn up the gas level to compensate for the gas being blown away by your cooling fans. 

You are likely to make the above errors if you are not versed and experienced in the welding process. As such, it is advisable to hire expert welding services to avoid them. These specialists undergo extensive training, which gives them exceptional skills and knowledge to do the work accurately. Contact a welding service for more information. 
