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Symptoms Your Commercial Refrigerator Needs a Quick Replacement

Various commercial kitchen equipment is essential to the success of food service businesses, especially in an industrial kitchen or food processing plant. For many business owners, it would certainly help to know the exact life span of your refrigerator. Still, there are so many variable factors in determining such estimates that make it difficult to come up with a definite time frame.

Over time, and with increased usage, even the best kitchen equipment will experience wear and tear. One of the most important things to be mindful of when you own a food service business is the proper functioning of your cooling equipment, as sudden failure can result in potential health hazards, loss of product, and revenue loss. That said, some problems will point to commercial kitchen equipment failure, and it's important to be aware of them to accommodate timely replacements. 

Frost Build-Up 

If it looks like snow inside your refrigerator, you are most likely dealing with excess moisture and air leaks between panels and other cooler components. Frost build-up could result in substantial losses due to increased bacteria growth and unit problems.

Excess Heat 

Typically, your cooling equipment may feel warm to the touch due to the discharged hot air, but when it feels hot to the touch, that means overheating. Excessive heat is abnormal and could signal an issue with the coils, worn-out hinges, damaged internal panels, faulty door gasket, or a failing motor. A piece of overheating equipment that has gone through proper maintenance will need replacing before you lose revenue. 

Food Doesn't Last as Long as It Should

The whole point of installing a commercial refrigerator is to keep your food from spoiling. If your equipment is malfunctioning, you will likely note foul smells from rotting plant-based foods and meats. Factors contributing to frequent food spoilage include improper moisture levels and unstable cooling temperatures. If this is the case, failure to replace your commercial kitchen equipment could hurt your bottom line significantly by increasing inventory cost and reducing your profitability.

Since refrigerators are expensive, you want to try your best to hold on to them as long as possible. However, keeping your equipment too long or failing to replace it as soon as you notice signs of failure may backfire and lead to huge losses. While replacement comes with a cost, the investment is an asset to the functionality of your business and will keep it running smoothly. 

Contact a commercial kitchen equipment supplier for more information. 
