Seeing the Road Ahead: Protecting, Repairing and Replacing Windscreens

A Quick Investigation Into The Top Three Most Popular Wall Frames

Wall frames are an important element in the construction of almost every building across the country. Whether you are building a major skyscraper or a humble shed out the back of your house, wall frames will be the backbone of your structure. If you are starting a construction project soon and are unsure about which type of wall frames you might need to be installed in your home or commercial building, then you probably want at least a little bit of information about them, considering how important they are. Here is a quick investigation into the three most popular types of wall frames and when they are used. 

Wooden Wall Frames

Wood is the most traditional and commonly used material for wall frames. It is relatively inexpensive, easy to work with, and readily available. It can be easily adjusted on-site if it is not quite the right length, and it has very good levels of strength that make it outperform what you think it might be limited to as a natural material. In most residential buildings, wooden wall frames are more than capable of handling the entire structure they need to, and you can attach HVAC systems, TVs, sound systems and all sorts of other useful equipment on them if you should so desire once the walls have been put up. 

Steel Wall Frames

Steel wall frames are becoming more popular due to their strength, durability, and fire resistance. They are also resistant to moisture, rot and insects. However, steel wall frames are more expensive than wood and require specialised equipment and training to install. Due to this, most of the time, steel wall frames are utilised in commercial buildings where additional strength and durability are more vital. If you are considering a new office space or a large commercial warehouse, then steel wall frames are the best and safest choice.

Concrete Wall Frames

Concrete wall frames are by far the most resistant to fire and other natural issues like pests and aging due to extreme weather, but they are also quite difficult to justify in most circumstances. They are exceptionally heavy, which makes them either only useful for structures directly on the ground or in huge buildings that have major supports. They also require specialist installation from experts who can fit them perfectly into the slots they need to go. For most residential and small businesses, concrete wall frames simply are not a relevant choice, but they might be in the future as you continue to grow and need a larger space.

For more information on wall frames, contact a professional in your area.
