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Considerations When Buying Commercial Kitchen Equipment

Commercial kitchen equipment is an essential aspect of your catering or restaurant business. Unfortunately, most people do not know how to purchase commercial kitchen equipment. The blog post below offers some valuable tips to help you choose commercial kitchen equipment. 

Know What To Buy 

Every kitchen is unique. Therefore, conduct a thorough analysis to establish what equipment you need. Your menu significantly determines the type of equipment you need. For instance, you could need deep fryers and griddles if you intend to run a fast-food restaurant. Conversely, you need charcoal and electric grills to grill meats. The best approach would be to ask your chef to recommend the required equipment. It saves you the trouble of purchasing equipment that you may not need. For instance, some kitchen equipment, such as multi-cookers and food processors, are multi-functional. 


Size is an essential consideration when purchasing commercial kitchen equipment. Space is a vital element of running a commercial kitchen. Therefore, the equipment you purchase should not cram the space. Otherwise, you risk accidents in the kitchen. Your kitchen crew could also experience challenges when preparing meals. If you intend to run a catering service, check whether the equipment can fit in your van. Ideally, it should be compact enough to avoid the hassles of making several trips to the event venue. 


What is the quality of the commercial kitchen equipment? Conduct thorough assessments to establish the quality of the various equipment models. Home improvement blogs, catering websites, and reviews from chefs can offer reliable information on the reliability of the various equipment. Some of your concerns would be the equipment's ease of cleaning and ability to perform according to the manufacturer's specifications. The kitchen equipment must also have adequate safety protocols to prevent fires and malfunctions.

What is the equipment's energy consumption? Ensure the equipment has a high energy efficiency to avoid high power bills. The equipment should also have a low noise rating to keep the kitchen quiet. Suppose you are on a budget; you could opt to buy used kitchen equipment. If this is the case, conduct an inspection to determine the functionality and condition of the equipment. Look out for defects such as missing panels and gaskets that could make the equipment difficult to use. Finally, ask the seller to offer a warranty on the equipment. 

Buying Versus Leasing 

Do you intend to purchase or lease the equipment? Purchasing is ideal when you need the equipment for an extended period. Conversely, leasing suits business owners who require the equipment for short periods or those who plan to upgrade the equipment after a while. 

Contact a commercial kitchen equipment supplier to learn more. 
