How to Fail Miserably at Laser Cutting

Just like other power tools, laser cutters are normally built around doing things extremely well. However, they need an operator's full support and attention. Operators must handle everything that goes on after, during and before the job. Getting adequate results isn't hard. However, to get truly repeatable and professional ones takes experience, attention to detail and hard work. It's normal to focus on success stories. Nevertheless, learning from failures is more educational. [Read More]

Computer Simulated Demolitions: What They Are & How They Can Help

Demolitions are complex, high-stake activities no matter the size of the structure being brought down. To help ease the complexities involved in the process, engineers and computer programmers have developed various tools for use by demolition contractors. One such tool is the 3D demolition simulator. Your demolition contractor may have this software which enables them to plan computer simulated demolitions. Find out more below.  What is a computer simulated demolition? [Read More]

Frequently Asked Questions for a Better Understanding of Below-Slab Vapour Barriers

Polyethylene builder's film is an instrumental tool in the construction industry. It helps you keep out unwanted moisture when the concrete begins to cure. If too much moisture finds its way into a fresh slab at this stage, it will weaken the bonds between the concrete granules and the structural rebar used to support the building. With below-slab vapour barriers (polyethylene builder's film), you can ensure that moisture doesn't find its way into slabs and into the foundation over the course of the building's existence. [Read More]

Profit Margin: Plastic Or Wooden Pallets?

Starting an export business from scratch is no mean feat. There are numerous decisions that you'll need to make, most of which will later have a significant impact on your profit margin. You'll probably have to decide whether clients will receive your products packaged in a pallet made of wood or one made of plastic. This article examines various aspects of the two pallet materials and how these aspects may affect the profitability of your export business. [Read More]